Forn-figures since 1982

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Bestform Ratings.



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Race Replays: Swedish Races


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At last we now have the first version of our new payment platform up and running! 

It offers our international  customers an easy and flexible way to buy and download our FORM FIGURES.

Our  Pay&Download application is  secure and easy to use.

You will find a more detailed description of this  new option in the column to the right.



These days we regrettably occasionally experience a problem with our APP digifileseller which handles the payment and downloading of our formfigure-products. So sorry!  But it might work so try the normal way first! (by clicking below)

You can get your required pdf by email by sending us a message, email or SMS to +47 92441244, and specify which pdf you want us to send you. If the email address you give us is different from the email address you are registered with in our APP, we need your username

to register the transaction to your account with us.

The email address: or SMS to +47 92441244

Yes there has been a rush of  our so called 0-horses among the winners in Swedish V75  the recent weeks. 19 of 28 is obviously not representative of the average, but real fun it is and not least,  rewarding too

It has not been the  big payoffs , but overall they 4 rounds have accumulated well above  60,000 SEK for the four Saturdays involved.

The detalis:

V75  Bergsåker Saturday 6th of  December, paid 37 178 kr. No less than five-0 horses won - two paying 9 times the money., and the other two winners had the second best form  figures In their  respective  races! DD paid 20.62 with two 0- horses.

Saturday, 29/11 also featured five 0-horses among the winners in the V75, but the payoff was modest 154 kr ..
The week before it was  Bjerke in Norway hosting the  V75 sharing that event with the Swedish punters. Four 0-horses won  - the payout was 11,351 kr.

Saturday, 15th of November  V75 at Solvalla  paid 12.980 kr. - starting the recent  high rate of 0-horses with five winners. Highest odds were 9.31 – the impressive  Nahar winning  V75-7 with form figure  0+ in a world record breaking time.

Of the last 28 races in Swedish V75, 19 races  was won by 0 horses. Not bad!

Bestform  form figures is a unique tool for those who want to win at betting on horses. The product was developed an launched in Norway under the Datahorse label in 1982.
Statistics over several years shows that our so-called 0-horses win about 30 percent of V75 races! And quite often this will be far from favourites. Bestform's ability to point to horses winning at high odds, makes our form figures a very efficient tool for winning big money.

Worth noting is also that Bestform ratings saves you a lot of work and thereby valuable time. You do not have to go back checking up into old results for comparison any more...

Bestform form figures express the horses' best performances done in any race.. The form figures  is based on a so-called standardization of performance and  the figures are arranged  in two columns: Figures in column 2 - in brackets - refers to form produced  ​​more than 60 days ago.

The form-figures stands clearly out from the expert tips you will find in newspapers and other web-pages. 
The only human factor/estimates build into our form figures are  those  done when assessing each and every race result to set the standardized value of that race.  Producing the form figures for each race goes without “human interference”

For those of you familiar a with horse-racing – Bestform Ratings is based on the same principles as Timeform, and thus quite different  from the handicapping methods,

Important: How to use Bestform.

The figures express the horse's best form shown in any race.

Low numbers are best, and 0 is best.

The numbers in brackets refer to form shown longer than 60 days ago..

Figures – in the brackets - with minus in front is better (less) than 0

+  Behind the figure means that the horse can do better than what the form figure show.

g  behind the figure show that the performance was made ​​with a gallop/break

A   -   instead of numbers in the first column means that the horse has not started or have not produced any valid result during the last 60 days.


When you find a large difference in the number in the first column and the number in the brackets, then check how many starts the horse has done in the last 60 days.

When it is 1-3 starts, you should look to the number in brackets.

Datahorse form-figures – the Norwegian original brand name for Bestform Ratings, have been produced since 1982 and statistics show that the winning percentage for our 0-horses in the V75-bet is about 30.

Buy Bestform Ratings here:

Pay with your card or PayPal account
You need to have an
user account with us,  to buy our form products.  When registered,  you can pay with your card or your PayPal account. 

Your will find the link to register  further down in this box.

Swedish tracks: 

V75 - incl. V5 - Jägersro 18.1
V4 Jägersro 18.1

V65 - Bjerke 18.1 - at 19:35

V75 GS  - incl.V4 - Boden 19.1

Norwegian tracks: 

V5 and V4 Harstad Travpark 18.1 - at 12:00

V75 Bjerke 18.1
V65 1.leg Bjerke 18.1

No account with us yet?

 Register to buy  - paying with your card or PayPal  - and download our form-figures 

Prices (10 Credits = ca 10 SEK / 1.03 Euro:)  V65 +. 2  V5-races: 30-40 Credits  depending on the quality of the races. V75:  30 Credits /  V76 m V5:   35  Credits / V5 25 Credits / V4: 20 Credits /V64 30 Credits / V86  40 Credits
The benefits of using Bestform Ratings

The benefits of using Bestform ratings form figures :

With Bestform form figures, you have a tool that is very easy to work with, you have all the information displayed in one single sheet of paper or one page in a pdf-document.

With a quick glance you get a picture of:

-  which races are the difficult ones to pick the winner

-  which of the favourites are in danger of loosing the race

-  spotting any “hidden” winner candidates etc.

For the serious and meticulous punter these are very important benefits, and it of course gives every kind of punter a big advantage. You simple get a complied set of facts in a very effective and time-saving way!

With Bestform you are far better prepared to construct your all important ranking – a ranking is a must – before betting.

Bestform form figures provides you with a tool that is easy to use and provides you with a reliable picture of the horses capacity based on their past performances, no more need to dig into old results looking for “hidden” good performances, they are covered by Bestform Ratings.

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Rainy weather and high pay-out, but even so our form figures was ok+. 

Two 0-horses won  and one 0.5 for a 20-odds winner. 

The numbers were: 0+ ( odds 12 ) / 1 (odds 11) / 0.5 ( 2+ ( odds 4 ) / 4.5 ( 3 ) (odds 14 ) / 0+ ( odds 3.49 ) / 2+ ( odds 14 )

In the V4 bet we had Rod Steward a 0-horse winning at odds 16.

V4 Färjestad 25.5 paid 1928 SEK – two 0-horses won 4 och 3 i odds

V5 Dannero 24.5 paid 5.137 SEK two 0-horses won

V64 Vaggeryd 23.5 paid 1894 SEK two 0-horses won.

V75 Gävle paid 3.548 SEK - only one 0-horse won – a favourite.. The form figures: 4+ / 4+ ( 3 ) / 3 / 0 / 4g / 5g ( 2 ) / 1+ V4 paid 6.141 SEK The form figures : 1+ / 0 / 2+ och 2.5

V4 Årjäng 21.5 paid 1900 SEK two 0-horses won one at the odds 9

V86 Solvalla 20.5 paid 3.230.015 SEK - no 0-horse won this time... The form figures: : 1+ ( -1 ) / 4+ / 4+ / - ( 11 ) / 1g+ / 3.5 / 2+ ( 0+ ) / 1

The other figures: 1+ / 3.5 / 4.5 / 4

Romme 18.5 V5 paid 4.390 on FOUR correct horses - two 0-horses won The form figures: 0 / - ( -2 / 1.5 / 8g ( 3 ) / 0 ( -1 ) V4 paid 352.812 SEK one 0-horse won to the odds 6.

V4 Skellefteå 18.5 paid 1097 SEK- - two 0-horses won one to the odds 8 LD paid t 33.32 with two 0-horses! 

V4 paid 54.717 SEK – two 0-horses won – 13 and 28 were the odds.

V65 Rättvik 16.5 paid 6.872 SEK - three 0-horses won

V75 Åby 16.5 paid 28.073 SEK - only one 0-horse won. The form figures: 4 / 1+ / 2 (odds. 21.8) 2+ ( -1+ ) / 3+ / 0 / 3+

V64 Hagmyren 15.5 paid 6.072 SEK - two 0-horses won – favourites

V64 Åby 14.5 paid 195.215 SEK - four 0-horses won! - one to the odd 6,3 (one of the 0-horses became so after the original 0-horses was a non-runner...) A winner to odds 30 had the form figure 2 The form figures: 2 / 0 / 0+ / 4 / 1+ / 0

V64 Jägersro 14.5 paid 2.159 SEK - two 0-horses won

V86 Solvalla 13.5 paid jackpot - two 0-horses won - The form figures: 3 ( 1+ ) / 3 ( 3+ ) / 4+ ( 3+ ) / 0 / 5 ( 4+ ) 3 / 0+ / 8g ( 1 )

V4 Årjäng 12.5 paid 2.513 SEK - two 0-horses won - plus one 0.5 ( 0 ) that won to the odds 19.

V4 Boden 11.5 paid 2.015 SEK - two 0-horses won - odds: 5 and 4

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Yes it was good money at Solvalla the day of the Eltlopp In spite of two favorite victories in the heats with Timoko and pan de Moteur, 3 + (2) and 1 + (-2)

The three 0-horses were Jonette Boy in V75-1, the 5-odds On Hold in V75-5 as well as the Divine Miss F V75-6 at 4.8 odds. 39 oddser Nesland Loke had 5 (4 +) and finally Corky in V75-7 only had the form number 9 after his one and only start in Europe.

V75 Solvalla 24.5 paid £ 43,706. Two 0 + horses - favoriitter. Other form 5 + (third best in the race) / 2/1 + (-1) / 1/1 + in other words good numbers!

Yes two 0+ horses, Alfas da Vinci and Codebreaker, and then Tano Bork with 0.5 in V75-2.

Race Cowboyland won with form 2.5 at odds 102 (!!) . The 25-odds winner Magiccarpetride US had

10 ( 1 ) but only one start the last 60 days, consequently the weiht should be on the bractet-form: 1.

The two other winners were also clearly within the frame with resp. 5+ (0+ ) and - ( 1+ ).

Yes it is with a tool like Bestform Ratings you can win big!

Again a substantial pay-out and rather helpful form figures. Three 0-horses won - highest priced was Hard Living at odds 12. The other numbers were. 14g ( 0+ ) / 3+ / 1+ and 5 ( 3 )  

An impressing four 0-horses won this big pay-out day. Our form figures were: 4.5 / 1 / 0+ / 0 / 0+ / 0+ / 3 / the last one a winner at odds 34!

The V5 same day paid a handsome 51.584 SEK - four 0-horses even there and the remaining with 3. Bestform enables you to win big!.

Welcome to Bestform Ratings!

Bestform Ratings brings you more than 30 years of experience in producing form figures for trotting horses I Norway and Sweden!.

You will find more details on our products and type of service in other articles here in our website.

The overall purpose with Best form form figures is to provide the punters with a tool that enable you to achieve better when betting on horses.

The key element is to produce a tool that both saves you a lot of work and time, and – not least – makes you able to win more.

How to get Bestform form figures.

We have a simple and flexible  "pay and download"  solution to buy Bestform Ratings form figures.  You need to do a basic registration, giving name and email address. It will take you 1-2 minutes. See details in the column to the right in this page. You can pay using your card or a PayPal account.

Residents in Scandinavia can easily register and get a Payex account – a virtual valet. With Payex account you can buy our form figures as a downloadable pdf file – either from your PC, tablet  or smartphone. You can then  buy anonymous – for us – no registration is needed, using your Payex account.

Getting started – offers: You pay using PayPal and we email you the form figures in PDF format.

Offer 1 - saving 3 Euro:

Send us 5 Euro and we will send you 2  events/formsheets for V75's or even V65/V64 – Swedish or Norwegian tracks. Specify what you want. f.i V75 Solvalla 28.5 and 29.5 

Offer  2. - saving 12 Euro:   Send us 12 Euro and get  6 events/formsheets.

For both offers you can update or change your preferences on which events you want.

Pay with Paypal to



New payment option

NB: Since Payex  closed  down its e-wallet in 2017 you will have to register at our secure payment-site and use our Payment portal to buy and download our Form Figures.

 It offers our international  customers an easy and flexible way to buy and download our FORM FIGURES. Our  Pay&Download application is  secure and easy to use.

You could pay - charging your account with our "credits"  - using PayPal or your card. 

To get started in 3 minutes you : 

1. Register - giving your email, choosing an  username and password of minimum 6 characters. If you intend to use your smartphone it pays off to make the username and password easy to tap in. Security is not the biggest issue as the credits you buy are just valid for buying our form figures

2. Charging your account - buying "credits" that you will use to buy our form figures.

3. Buying the form figures - using our shopping cart you can now buy for more than one track in one operation.

Buying our form figures: 

Click on "Buy files". - choose your  form figures file by clicking and adding it to the shopping cart.

When done, click on the shopping cart and complete the process buy paying with a click, using your credit. 

Done and ready to download!

Your "Order history" allows you to download your files more than once if needed. 

If using  your snmartphone -  it is practical to put the "Downloads" Icon up "front " on your screen, and also make sure you have the right app to open and read the pdf-files.

Register to buy and download form-figures
